


Black History

* Malcolm X



  Elke Moritz


Used Literature

Baldwin, James. The Fire Next Time.
New York : Dial Press, 1963.
Breitman, George, ed. Malcolm X speaks : Selected Speeches and Statements.
New York : Pathfinder, 1965.
Breitman, George, ed. By any means necessary : Speeches, Interviews and a Letter by Malcolm X.
New York : Pathfinder, 1970.
Clarke, John H., ed. Malcolm X : The Man and His Time.
New York : Collier Books, 1969.
Cone, James H., Martin & Malcolm & America : A Dream or a Nightmare.
New York : Orbis Books, 1991.
DeJongh, James, Vicious Modernism: Black Harlem and the Literary Imagination.
City University of New York : Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Essien-Udom, E.U. Black Nationalism : A Search for an Identity in America.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1962.
Franklin, John Hope, From Slavery to Freedom : A History of Negro Americans.
n.p., n. p.h. Fifth Edition 1980. (1947)
Frazier, Franklin E., The Negro in the United States.
New York : The Macmillan Company, 1957.
Garrow, David J. Bearing the cross : Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
London : Jonathan Cape, 1988. (New York: Vintage Books, 1986.)
King, Coretta Scott, ed. The Words of Martin Luther King.
London : Fount Paperbacks, 1985.
King, Martin Luther, Jr., Where do we go from here: Chaos or Community?
New York : Harper and Row,1967.
Lomax, Louis E., To kill a black man.
Los Angeles : Holloway House, 1968
Long, Richard A., and Collier, Eugenia W., eds., Afro-American Writings, An Anthology of Prose and Poetry.
Pennsylvania State University, 2nd and enlarged edition 1986 (1 1985).
Malcolm X with the assistence of Alex Haley. The Autobiography of Malcolm X.
London: Penguin Books, 1968. (New York : Grove Press, 1965)
Malcolm X, Malcolm X on Afro-American History.
New York : Pathfinder, 3rd edition 1990 (1 1967).
Washington, James M., ed. A Testament of Hope : The Essential Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr.
New York : Harper Collins, 1991. (New York : Harper and Row, 1986.)


Lester, Julius, The angry children of Malcolm X,
1966. published in Meyer, August a.o., ed., Black Protest Thought in the Twentieth Century. n.p., n.p.h. 5th printing 1978 (1971), pp. 469 - 485

Additional Literature

Baker, Houston A., Jr., Afro-American Poetics, Revisions of Harlem and the Black Aesthetic.
University of Wisconsin Press, 1988.
Baldwin, James No Name in the Street.
New York : Dial Press, 1972. pp 96-99
Breitman, George, The last year of Malcolm X. The Evolution of a Revolutionary
.n.p., n.p.h. 1967 On the first anniversary of Malcolm X's death, Feb. 11, 1966, pp. 141-152
Carter, Yvonne J., and Cincotta, Howard, ed., The Civil Rights Movement and the Legacy of Martin Luther King, jr.
United States Information Agency, 1989.
Hampton, Henry and Fayer, Steve, Voices of Freedom : An oral history of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950s through the 1980.
New York : Bantam Books, 1990.
Harris, William J., ed., The LeRoi Jones / Amiri Baraka Reader.
New York : Thunder's Mouth Press, 1991. The Legacy of Malcolm X, and the Coming of the Black Nation (taken from : Home,Social Essays, NY 1966, p. 238ff), pp. 161-169 Jimmy ! Eulogy for James Baldwin. 1987. pp. 450-456
Margolies, Edward, Native Sons, a critical study of twentieth-century Negro American authors.
New York : J.B.Lippincott, 1968.
Pergl, Gary, ed., Generation of Change, The Civil Rights Movement in America.
United States Information Agency 1989.
Pinkney, Alphonso, Red, Black and Green. Black Nationalism in the US.
n.p.,n.p.h. 1976, pp. 64-75
Ward, Baldwin H., Year's Pictorial History of the American Negro.
New York : Year, Inc., 1965.
Warren, Robert Penn, Who speaks for the Negro?.
New York : Random House, 1965,pp. 252-267
Weisbrot, Robert, Freedom Bound- A History of the Civil Rights Movement.
n.p.,n.p.h. 1990. : Mass Protest in Kennedy Years, pp. 80-83 The Ghettos Erupt: The Nation of Islam, pp. 170 - 178 The Ghettos Erupt: King in Chicago, pp. 178-185
Walker, Alice, The Color Purple.
n.p.,n.p.h. 1982.
Washington, Booker T., Up from slavery,a condensation of the autobiography of Booker T. Washington.
n.p. Readers Digest, n.d..
Wright Richard, Black Boy, Easy Reader Edition,

German Editions

Baldwin, James, Going to meet the man - Gesammelte Erzählungen.
Reinbeck near Hamburg : Rowohlt,1948-1965
Baldwin, James, Sie nannten ihn Malcolm X, Ein Drehbuch,
Reinbeck near Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1974. (1972).
Cone, James H., Gott, der Befreier.
n.p.,Urban Taschenbücher Kohlhammer, 1975.
Douglass, Frederick, Das Leben des Frederick Douglass als Sklave in Amerika von ihm selbst erzählt.
n.p. Lamuv Verlag, 1986.
Elliott, Lawrence, George Washington Carver - Der Mann, der überlebte.
n.p.,n.p.h. 1966.
Haley, Alex, Roots,
n.p.,n.p.h. 1976.
Halsell, Grace, Ich war eine Schwarze,
n.p.,n.p.h. 1969.
Hughes, Langston, Weißgepuderte Gesichter.
Jackson, George, In die Herzen ein Feuer, Briefe aus dem Gefängnis.
n.p.,n.p.h. 1970.
King, Coretta Scott, Mein Leben mit Martin Luther King, jr.,
n.p.,n.p.h. 1970.
King, Martin Luther, sen.,Die Kraft der Schwachen, Geschichte der Familie King.
Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 1982. (New York : Morrow and Company, 1980).
Marine, Gene, Black Panther (German edition),
n.p.,n.p.h. 1970.
Walker, Alice, Auf der Suche nach den Gärten unserer Mütter- Beim Schreiben der Farbe Lila.
München : Goldmann, 1989 (1 1987).
Walker, Alice, Roselily,
n.p.,n.p.h. 1967-1973
Wright, Richard, Schwarze Macht, zur afrikanischen Revolution,
n.p.,n.p.h. 1954.

Additional Material

Der Koran (Qu`ran), German Edition.
Good News told by Luke;
Today's English Version
Collier's Yearbook 1966, covering the year 1965


Newsweek, Euopean Edition,
see especially: March 23, 1987;Sept. 11, 1989;March 25, 1991;April 1, 1991; Febr. 3, 1992; April 6,1992; May 11,1992.
Jan. 1991; Feb. 1991 (1985);Oct. 1991; Dec.1991; Jan. - May 1992.
Time Magazine
May 11,1992 - B.A.D. No. 1;No.3 (Sept./Oct. 1990); April 1992 - Network Press May 1990;Feb. 1991; March 1991; June 1991


Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English.
Oxford University Press, Fourth Edition 1989 (1 1948)
Messinger, Heinz, und Rüdenberger, Werner Langenscheidts Handwörterbuch Englisch, Englisch- Deutsch, Deutsch-Englisch.
Berlin u. München : Langenscheidt, 1981
n.d.  -  no date
n.p.  -  no place
n.p.h.-  no publishing house   


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