

Please note that this server is still in experimental mode. We do not make any guarantees about the accuracy of the information you may or may not receive here. If the use of this server accidentally kills your mother-in-law (or anybody else) it's entirely your own fault. Thank you for your attention.

How to...

  1. Please note again that we're still in test mode. The keyring we are using is fairly up to date. Any ADDs you make here are not (yet) relayed to any of the well known servers.
  2. Ok, so you still want to use this. Simply use one of the forms below. In the first form you can (kind of) browse through our database. Choose one of the following commands from the menu and (optionally) enter an argument in the argument line. Then press the Submit-button, and - presto! - there you are. Or maybe you aren't. Valid commands are:
    GET user-ID
    This will get you an ASCII-armored keyfile containing all keys that match the given user-ID. You should save this to a file and then run PGP on it, to include it into your keyring.
    In place of user-ID you can specify a key-ID (or a part of a key-ID), prefixed by 0x, e.g. 0x7c442547 will get you my own key.
    MGET regexp
    This will get you all keys matching regexp. While the GET-command uses a simple substring-search, MGET implements a search using quite powerful (and quite complicated) regular expressions. For an explanation of regular expressions consult the UNIX-Manual for the ed command, or this link.
    INDEX user-ID
    This will give you a listing of all keys matching user-ID. It is probably wise to try INDEX john before GET john, if your link is slow.
    LAST days
    This command will get you an ASCII-armored keyfile of all keys that were added or modified during the last days days.
    If you want to ADD your public key (or anybody else's) to our database use the second form below. Using PGP you have to create an ASCII-armored file containing your key (use the pgp -kxa your_name filename command). Then paste the file filename into the form below and press the ADD-button. That's all.

Form 1 - Queries

Query type:


Form 2 - Add your key to our server

Enter your ASCII-armored key here:

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My Homepage (german)
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