From: (Harald Krusekamp)
Subject: Breaking WordPerfect passwords
From: gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.apps,sci.crypt
Subject: Word Perfect "locked document encryption" is trivial to break

One thing that came up at Crypto '90 was a short paper from Ms. Helen Bergen at Queensland U. in Australia. She noticed the 'locked document' commands in Word Perfect, used by all the secretaries in her dept., and looked to see how strong it was. It turned out that the MSDOS DEBUG command and an envelope for scratch paper are enough for anyone to decode both a document and the key used for it! Word Perfect Corp. didn't care about her results (letter reproduced below), but I thought that some Word Perfect losers, I mean users, here on the net might want to know.

You should consider WP locked documents like ROT13: fine to keep the text garbled until you type a command, useless for keeping things private.

John Gilmore

Date: Mon, 27 Aug 90 10:28 +1000
To: cygint!gnu

Dear John,

Here is the letter and a copy of the Latex source of my paper. It will be published in CRYPTOLOGIA in the near future. Thanks for your interest,

Helen Bergen

Quote from letter received from WordPerfect Pacific:

Thankyou for the copy of your paper entitled "File Security in WordPerfect 5.0". I sent a copy of the paper to WordPerfect Corporation in the USA and recently received a reply from them.

They confirmed that people have written programs to break the password. However, WordPerfect Corporation does not have such a program and therefore has no way of breaking it. They also pointed out that very few users would know how to write such a program.

It is possible that the manual may be amended in a future edition to clarify the protection that a password gives. They recommend that anyone concerned about security may want to take higher precautions than the password protection.

Thankyou for your interest in WordPerfect


H.A. Bergen, School of Computing Science
W.J. Caelli, Information Security Research Centre

Faculty of Information Technology
Queensland University of Technology
G.P.O. Box 2434, Brisbane, Q 4001, AUSTRALIA


Cryptanalysis of files encrypted with the 'locked document' option of the word processing package WordPerfect V5.0, is shown to be remarkably simple. The encryption key and the plaintext are easily recovered in a ciphertext only attack. File security is thus compromised and is not in accord with the claim by the manufacturer that: "If you forget the password, there is absolutely no way to retrieve the document".


Cryptanalysis, WordPerfect.


WordPerfect is one of the most popular word processing packages in use today. It has a 'locked document' option which aims at protection of a WordPerfect file from unauthorised access. The manual states "You can protect or lock your documents with a password so that no one will be able to retrieve or print the file without knowing the password - not even you". The manual also claims that "If you forget the password, there is absolutely no way to retrieve the document" [1].

This option is used to 'add' a password to an existing or newly created WordPerfect file. The file is then encrypted using the password as the cryptographic key, and is stored on disk. Any subsequent retrieval or printing of the file via WordPerfect requires the entry of the correct password. With the increasing use of distributed file systems and sharing of data, this option might appear to be an attractive means of protecting sensitive files, particularly where they may reside on a shared network server. It is easily implemented without the expense and installation of another software protection/encryption package.

The encryption algorithm used in the WordPerfect 4.2 version, however, was successfully cryptanalysed by Bennett [2]. He concluded that the encryption system was unsatisfactory for protection of sensitive documents.

The present study extends this work to an investigation of the security of the WordPerfect 5.0 encryption system on both the IBM PC and DEC VAX systems as well as WordPerfect 5.1 on the IBM PC.

WordPerfect Files

WordPerfect version 5.0 was used on an IBM-PC and other compatible systems to create various files consisting of original documents and their associated ciphertext with different passwords. The DOS utility DEBUG was used to display the content of the files in hexadecimal notation.

The WordPerfect files were created on three different systems. By this we mean, three different licenced copies of WordPerfect running on different Personal Computers with different printers. An example from just one of these systems has been given in detail.

Version 4.2 format

Files created under 4.2 contain just the ASCII representation of the character text. Printer definitions and setup parameters are in separate files and are used only when the file is to be printed.

For example, a file may contain zeros (ASCII code 30 hex) and new line characters (these are converted to the ASCII line feed character, 0A hex). The plaintext file in hexadecimal would be

 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0A
 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0A
 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

The corresponding ciphertext file with a key value of the ASCII letter A is

 FE FF 61 61 41 00
 73 72 75 74 77 76 79 78 7B 7A 47
 7C 7F 7E 61 60 63 62 65 64 67 5C
 69 68 6B 6A 6D 6C 6F 6E 51 50

Encrypted files contain an extra 6 bytes, shown in the first line of the above. The first 4 bytes are constant for all keys and are used by the WordPerfect program to determine whether the file is plaintext or ciphertext. The latter 2 bytes contain a checksum derived from the key, as described by Bennett [2].

For example,

 FE FF 61 61 43 00       key = C
 FE FF 61 61 71 C0       key = AA

Version 5.0 format

Files created under version 5.0 are stored in a different format. With the default WordPerfect format, the file contains the document text appended to printer setup information. There are other options to save the file in DOS text format or in 4.2 format, and in these the printer information is omitted. For example, a document containing 32 characters of text is saved in 5.0 format as a file of approximately 600 - 1000 bytes (depending on the particular printer system) and in 4.2 or DOS format as a file of 32 bytes.

The locked document option in version 5.0 allows encryption of files only in WordPerfect format, the one containing all the printer information.


The encryption algorithm was found to be the same as that used in the 4.2 version [2]. The main differences between version 4.2 and 5.0 are in the file formats.

Bytes 0 - 15 of the original and encrypted files contain some useful information. The offset address in bytes 4-5 gives the starting point of the document text. The checksum of the key in the encrypted file is in bytes 12 - 13. This gives the key directly if the key is a single character.

The encryption of the file starts at byte number 16, so all the printer information as well as the document is encrypted.

The Encryption Algorithm

Plan of attack

In the 4.2 version, the only text encrypted was that contained in the actual document. This is unknown plaintext. In version 5.0, however, the printer information as well as the document text is encrypted. We have identified bytes 16 - 21, 24 - 27, 29 - 41, 43 - 45 as being constant for a particular system (as defined earlier, a particular licenced copy of WordPerfect on a particular PC and printer), and they do not change markedly from one system to another.

So we have the ideal situation of known plaintext for a reasonable number of bytes. This can greatly simplify our attack as it makes it possible to recover the actual key. Then it is trivial to recover the plaintext by using WordPerfect to retrieve the file using the recovered key as the ''password''. Alternatively, a program could be written to do this as the encryption/decryption algorithm is known. We outline a strategy with the following example from one particular system:

Document text consists of three lines of ten ASCII zeros each. The size of the original file and the encrypted file is 651 bytes.


Plaintext file contains in hexadecimal (for a particular printer):

BYTES  0-15      FF 57 50 43 6B 02 00 00-01 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00
      16-31      FB FF 05 00 32 00 2D 02-00 00 07 00 11 00 00 00
      32-47      42 00 00 00 02 00 56 00-00 00 53 00 00 00 0C 00

     619-623                                      30 30 30 30 30
     624-639     30 30 30 30 30 0A 30 30-30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
     640-650     0A 30 30 30 30 30 30 30-30 30 30

Ciphertext file contains in hexadecimal:

BYTES  0-15      FF 57 50 43 6B 02 00 00-01 0A 00 00 6E 50 00 00
      16-31      B0 B4 42 41 7E 47 6C 46-53 53 58 59 45 5F 59 4C
      32-47      19 5B 57 51 5E 57 07 74-63 63 3C 69 64 6F 65 7C

     619-623                                      19 14 1F 19 0C
     624-639     1B 1B 17 11 1C 2D 11 14-03 03 0F 09 04 0F 09 1C
     640-650     31 0B 07 01 0C 07 01 E4-F3 F3 FF

We will illustrate a known ciphertext only attack, even though we obviously know the exact plaintext in this particular example. So we assume that we have a ciphertext file produced on some other hardware system using a different licenced copy of WordPerfect. As explained earlier, we can be confident that a substantial portion of text is common to all systems. Thus to summarise, the known plaintext we have is

    BYTES 16 - 21  known
    BYTES 22 - 31  known except for 22, 23, 28
    BYTES 31 - 39  known
    BYTES 40 - 47  known except for 42, 46, 47


The encryption key is easily recovered in an apparent known ciphertext only attack, as the system provides enough known plaintext in the printer information regardless of the document plaintext. The analysis, as shown, can literally be done on the back of a (large) envelope.

The analysis may be slightly more difficult where the physical system on which the files were prepared is completely unknown and vastly different to any system we have encountered, as this may reduce the amount of known plaintext. In these situations, statistical analysis based on the characteristic frequencies of characters in a language is used to decipher text files. This is a standard method which is straightforward although a program may have to be written.

In summary, the cryptanalysis of files encrypted with the 'locked document' option in WordPerfect version 5.0 is remarkably simple. The inclusion of portions of known plaintext in the encrypted file is a fatal flaw in the system, since it provides a mechanism of attack in which the key can be recovered by hand, and document plaintext easily retrieved. All of the key can easily be recovered for keylengths of 1-13 and 15-17, far in excess of commonly used passwords of 8 characters. A high proportion of the key can be deduced for keylengths of 14 and 18-24. The cipher used is too weak, providing little or no protection.

If the attacker has knowledge of any other unencrypted file from the same system, the analysis is made even more simple. We stress that both the key and the plaintext can be recovered, independent of the content of the plaintext.

The worst problem is that it may give a false sense of security. For example, an attacker may decrypt a document, modify it and re-encrypt so that the originator is unaware of the alterations. We conclude that the file security is not consistent with claims made by the manufacturer and is not sufficent to protect sensitive documents from anything but the most naive attack.


  1. WORDPERFECT CORPORATION (1989): WordPerfect for IBM Personal Computers.
  2. BENNETT, J (1987): Analysis of the encryption algorithm used in the WordPerfect Word Processing Program, Cryptologia, Vol XI. No 4. pp 206-210.
  3. KONHEIM, A G (1981): Cryptography, A Primer, Wiley.
  4. DENNING, D E (1981): Cryptography and Data Security, Addison Wesley.
  5. CARROLL, J and Robbins, L E (1989): Computer Cryptanalysis of Product Ciphers, Cryptologia, Vol XIII. No 4. pp 303-326.


Helen Bergen is a Lecturer in the School of Computing Science, Faculty of Information Technology, at the Queensland University of Technology. Her research interests within the Information Security Research Centre, Faculty of Information Technology, include cryptology and the application of supercomputers.

Bill Caelli is Director of the Information Security Research Centre within the Faculty of Information Technology at the Queensland University of Technology. He is also Technical Director and Founder of ERACOM Pty. Ltd., a manufacturer of cryptographic equipment. His research interests lie in the development and application of cryptographic systems to enhance security, control and management of computer and data network systems.

John Gilmore      {sun,pacbell,uunet,pyramid}!hoptoad!gnu
 The Gutenberg Bible is printed on hemp (marijuana) paper.  So was the July 2,
  1776 draft of the Declaration of Independence.  Why can't we grow it now?

MfG Harald

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