Model PowerMac 7100/66av PowerMac 7100/66av
System version 7.5.1 (normal startup) 7.5.1 (no extensions)
KWhetstones/sec 32 112,405 32 095,650
Dhrystones/sec 64 308,655 64 369,729
Towers (sec) 0,139 0,139
Quick Sort (sec) 0,127 0,126
Bubble Sort (sec) 0,216 0,216
Queens (sec) 0,109 0,109
Puzzle (sec) 0,224 0,223
Permutations (sec) 0,162 0,162
Int. Matrix (sec) 0,145 0,145
Sieve (sec) 0,361 0,360
times faster than Quadra 605 (avg.) 14,961 14,965

These benchmarks were obtained with Speedometer 4.01. I hope that the values are representative enough for cross-plattform comparison. There is no typo, it is actually KWhetstones. The numbers are averages, the Whetsones test was run 100 times, the others 10 times. The normal startup includes 54 extensions. As expected, they do not interfere with raw power tests.

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