As of this writing, perl, Ada95 and python bindings are in beta testing
Forms Library also supports screen resolution independent size specifications where sizes are given in milli-meter, point (1/72 inch) or 100th of a mm or point
Standard color names are listed in a file named rgb.txt and usually resides in /usr/lib/X11
The parameters should be sensitive to the coordinate unit in effect at the time of the call, but at present, they is not, i.e., the function takes only pixel unit.
provided the window manager is compliant. If the window manager is not compliant, all bets are off.
Actually, they are also hostile to their sibling forms. See Appendix A
I.e., xev->xmotion.send_event is true
Label for free objects can't be drawn outside of the bounding box because of the clippings by the dispatcher
If fl_winget() is called while not handling messages, the return value must be checked.
Simple C++ variable names are also supported
This scheme is illegal as a pointer may be longer than a long, but in practice, it should work out ok on virtually all platforms.
fl_mouse_button() can also be used
tex2html_wrap_inline10362 can be computed as tex2html_wrap_inline10364 using the math library routine log10(x)
It can be obtained from ftp://iris.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/Mesa
There are other ways to simulate inheritance, such as including a pointer to generic objects as part of the instance specific data
the only exception is the canvas class where the window ID is guaranteed to be non-shared
A separate creation routine is useful for integration into the Form Designer.

© 1996, 1997 Danny Uy,DropDead, Inc.