left: Play the French , right: 1. Atomic Bomb Explosion, New Mexico 1945


(Help-File of the German-Internet-Chess-Server)
Categories: info play

The atomic chess rules are deduced by a collection of statements from
friends of this game. The general ruleset follows:

1.) The normal chess rules are valid, with the following extensions.

2.) Whenever a piece is captured, an explosion occurs on the regarding
    field. The explosion destroys
    (a) the capturing piece
    (b) the captured piece
    (c) all pieces on the immediate horizontal, vertical and diagonal
        neighbour fields, except pawns.
    Destroyed pieces are removed from the board.

3.) A game is won by checkmate or causig explosion of the opponents king
    by an indirect hit (see rule #2). In most cases the server will
    recognize a direct atomic-checkmate before the king is actually

4.) Moves causing own king's explosion are not allowed.

Rule #2 and #4 imply that the King may never capture a hostile piece,
avoiding his own oxplosion.

Rule #4 leads to the weird possibility that a king moving into reach of
opponents king cannot be captured directly, since the opponents king
would be destroyed. Still the game can be won by an indirect hit,
capturing an opponents piece near his king and away from the other. 

Some interfaces do not let you indirect capture a pice when in check,
because they do not know about the atomic ruleset. In this case,
you have to type the move in the GICS window. A patch for xboard
is available on our
Client Web page
Play it:      match name time inc ATOMIC
Hint:         Watch the Knights!

takeback and examine-backwards does not work for atomic.

Rules collected and described by Klaus Knopper, Atomic chess implemented
by connex 27.11.1995


(Thanks to JoelH, who submitted it to me)

#                          ATOMIX  Opening Book 
#     1996,1997 by Jonas 'JoelH' Hoffmann and Peter 'Nightrider' Schaefer
#        Thanks to Michael 'Pfiffigunde' Uhl for a lot of new variants
#   call 'bookmaker' to create the binary 'atomic.book'
#   editing rules are quite simple:
#    - moves have to be in unambigous short or long notation (just like in
#      atomic garden); if you use german notation, remember to call
#      bookmaker with the -g option
#    - moves may be preceded by the move number (but they don't have to)
#      use "5." for white moves and "5..." for black moves
#    - moves may be attributed by
#       !!      best move                    - played with all styles
#       !       solid move
#       (!!)    good move                    - played with normal style or 
#               normal move (no attribute)     if nothing better is available
#       (?)     risky move                   - played with risk style,
#       (??)    very risky move                otherwise evaluated
#       ?       bad move                     - never played
#       ??      very bad move
#     these attributes correspond to atomix' book styles:
#     for example, a move marked (?) will only be played with the "risk"
#     style, a move marked !! will be played with any style
#     in any case, good moves are played more frequently than bad ones
#     moves marked ? or ?? are never played
#   - names of variations are put in brackets
#   - the same move or variation may occur several times (for better
#     structuring of this file); keep in mind however, that attributes of
#     duplicate occuurences are ignored
#   - atomix recognizes transpositions and reversed color 
#     variations; there's no need to list them explicitly

#[Version changed by Pfiffigunde: 7-Nov-96 10:30]
#[Version changed by JoelH]

#[Version 22-Jan-97 08:45]

1.Nf3! [King's Knight Opening] f6!! [King's Knight Opening Mainline]

  2.Nd4! [Kamikaze Attack] 
   2...Nh6 [Kamikaze Attack Mainline]
       3.e3 [Atomic-Kamikaze Attack] 
	3...c6! 4.Qh5(?) [Atomic-Kamikaze Attack TrojanKnight Variation]
		     4...g6 5.Qc5 d6 6.Qb4 Ng4 7.Kd1 Nxh2 8.Qxb7? e6 
					     9.f4? Qa5 10.c3 Qh5! 11.g4 Qh2
	3...e6(!!) [JoelH Gambit]
	     4.Nb5 Ng4 5.f4 Nf2 6.Qh5 g6 7. Nxc7 gxh5
			5...Na6 6.Nxc7 Nb4
       3.h3 [Kamikaze Attack Mainline]
	    3...c6 4.e4?? e5?? 5.Nf5 Nxf5
		       5.c3? Qg5!
		       5.b4? Qg5!
		       5.Nc3? Qg5!                       
		   4.d3? e5 5.Bxh6?? exd4 6.Nc3 Bb4 7.e3 d5?? 8.Qh5!
						7.d4 [Kamikaze Attack Danceking Variation]
		   4.Nf5 Nxf5 5.b4 b5! 6.d4 g6!
			      5.d4 h6!!
	    3...Nf5?? [Kamikaze Attack Kovi Defense]
		   4.e3!! Nxe3?? 5.Qh5 g6 6.Qd5 
		     4...Nxd4?? 5.Qh5 g6 6.Qd5
		     4...c6 5.Ne6 dxe6 6.d4 
	    3...d6?? [Kamikaze Attack Hoff Gambit]
		   4.Nb5 c6 5.Nc7 Qxc7 6.d4 Nf5 7.Bg5 Nh4 8.Bxh4 Kc8 9.e4 e5 10.d5! 
       3.g4 [JoelH Attack]
	   3...c6 [JoelH Attack Mainline]
	      4.c3 [JoelH Attack Anonymous Variation]
	       4...e6 5.Bg2 d5
	       4...e5 5.Nf5 Nxg4 6.e4
	      4.e4? e5 5.Nf5 Nxg4? 6.Bh3!
			 5...Nxf5 6.d4 Qb6 7.b4 d5 8.exd5
				    6...d5 7.c3
		   4...Qa5!! [JoelH Attack ReinhardMey Counter]
		       5.c3? Qg5!
		       5.b4? Qg5!
		       5.Nc3? Qg5!
	      4.Nf5 Nxf5?? 
		   4...Nxg4 5.e4! e5?? 6.Qh5 g6 7.Qh3 f5 8.exf5!
			   5...g6 6.d4!
	      4.Bg2(?) [JoelH Attack Hangman Variation]
		   4...e5? 5.Nb5!!
		   4...b5! 5.d3 e5 6.Nf5 Nxg4?? 7.Bh3!! f5 8.Bg5!
			   5.b3(?) [JoelH Attack Loopy Fiancetto]
			       5...Rg8 6.Bb2 e5 7.Nf5 Nxg4 8.d4 d5 9.e4 Bg4 10.f3 Bh3!!
										10...Bxf3?? 11.Qh5! g6 12.Qh3!!
	      4.e3(?) [JoelH Attack Aui Variation]
		   4...e5 5.Nf5 Nxf5!
	      4.d3 [JoelH Attack Mainline]
		   4...Na6(?) [JoelH Attack Maschi Variation]
			  5.Nb5! cxb5 6.Bxh6
		   4...e6? 5.Bxh6!
		   4...e5 5.Nf5 Nxf5 6.e4 d5 7.h4
			    5...Nxg4(?) 6.Rg1(?) 
					6.Bh3! f5  7.Bg5!
		   4...f5?? 5.gxf5(?) Ng4 6.f3 Nf2 7.Qd2 Nxd3?? 8.Bg5!! 
			    5.h3 fxg4?? 6.Bg5!!
		   4...g5(?) [JoelH Attack Renes Variation]
			    5.Bxg5 Bh6 6.Nc3??
				       6.Nf5! e6 7.Nd6 Kf8 8.e3 
						   7...Ke7 8.e3
					  6...e5 7.Nd6 Kf8 8.e3
						   7...Ke7 8.e3
	      4.Nc3!! [JoelH Attack New Line] 
		   4...e5 5.Ndb5! cxb5 6.Nb5!
	   3...Nc6(?) [JoelH Attack Connex Variation]
	      4.c3 Nxd4 5.Qa4(?) b5? 6.Qd4 d5? 7.Qc5!! Qd6 8.Qxc7 
				       6...d6?? 7.Qd5!! e6 8.Qc6!
	      4.Bg2(?) Nxd4(??) 5.Bxb7
		   4...Nb4! 5.c4 Nd3 6.exd3 d5 7.d4      
	   3...b5(?) [JoelH Attack Saya Variation]
	      4.a4 c5! 5.axb5? cxd4! 6.Rxa7 Qa5! 7.c3 Qg5 8.e3 Qh4
			   5...a6? 6.Nb5! axb5 7.Ra7
	      4.Bg2 c6 5.Nb3
       3.Nf5!! [Pfiffigunde Attack] Nxf5
	      4.e4 g6 5.d4 e6 6.Bc4 Bb4 7.c3 Bxc3 8.Qd2 h5!!
			      6.Bd3 Bb4 7.c3 Bxc3 8.Qd2 h5!!
		       5...d5(?) 6.e5! Na6 7.b4
	       4...c6? 5.f3??
	       4...e6!! 5.Na3 c6! 6.d4 g6!
				  6.c3 g6!
		       5.d4 g6! 6.Bc4 Bb4! 7.c3 Bxc3 8.Qd2 h5!!
				  6...d5 7.Bb5 c6 8.Qd2 h5!!
		       5.c3 g6!
		       5.h4 [Pfiffigunde Attack Spooky Variation] 
			 5...h5! 6.g4 g5! 7.hxg5 h4!
					  7.gxh5 g4!
	       4...a5?? 5.Qh5!!
	       4...b5?? 5.Qh5!!
	       4...Na6?? 5.Qh5!!
	       4...Nc6?? 5.Qh5!!
	       4...d5(?) 5.e5!
	      4.e3 e6 5.Na3 Bb4? 6.c3! Bxa3?? 7.Qh5!!
			5...c6! 6.d4 g6!
				6.c3 g6!
		      5.d4 g6!
		      5.c3 g6!
	      4.d4 [Pfiffigunde Attack Grobi Variation] 
	       4...e5 5.e4 g6! 6.h4 d5 7.h5 exd4 8.hxg6 Bc5 9.Be3 h5
			       6.Bc4 Bb4 7.c3 Bxc3 8.Qd2 h5!!
			       6.Bd3 Bb4 7.c3 Bxc3 8.Qd2 h5!!
	       4...d5 5.c3 e5 6.e4 exd4? 7.h3 Bc5 8.Be3 g6!!
		      5.e4 g6!
	      4.Nc3! c6!! 5.e4! a6! 
			    5...e5?? 6.Qh5 g6 7.Qh3!! f5 8.exf5
			    5...e6 6.Bb5 cxb5?? 7.Nb5!!
		4...d5? 5.Nb5! c6 6.Nc7
		4...a6?? 5.Nd5! e5 6.Nxc7 Rc8 7.c3 
	      4.c3 [Pfiffigunde Attack Grobi's New Line] 
		4...e5 5.e4 d5 6.d4 exd4?? 7.h3 Bc5??
		4...d5 5.d4 e5 6.e4 a6! 7.Na3 g6!!
					7.exd5 c5?? 8.d5 Bd6??
					   7...Bg4 8.f3 Bc8 9.d5 Bd6
					7.h3 g6! 
					   7...dxe4? 8.Bh6!
					7.b4 g6!
				6...c5?? 7.Bb5!! Nc6 8.exd5! Kf7 9.Be8!
		       5.h3? Qd7 6.e4 dxe4 7.d4 Qf5 8.Bf4 Qc2 9.Qxc2 e5 10.Kc1 Bg4 11.f3 e4! 
	      4.h3 b5 5.e4 g5??
		4...c6 5.d4 h6!
       3.f3(?) c6! 4.Nf5 Nxf5 5.e4 e5 6.d4
			      5.c3 [Kamikaze Attack Iassf Variation]
		4.Nc3 a6!!
		4.d3(?) [Kamikaze Attack Henk Variation]
		  4...e5 5.Nb3 Bb4 6.c3 Bxc3 7.Qb3 Qa5 8.Qb4 Nf5 9.Be3 Nd4
	      4.Nf5 Nxf5 5.c3 d5 6.d4 e5 7.e4 
	      4.Nxc6 d5 5.d3 Ng4 6.fxg4?? Bg4!!
				 6.Bf4 e5 7.Qc1 Nxh2 8.Nc3 Bb4 9.a3 h6
							       9.Bh6 g5
						     8.Bh6 gxh6 9.Nc3 b5

	      4.Nb5(?) Nd4 5.Nxd4  
       3.Nb5?? Ng4
       3.c3? Ng4! [Snake Attack] 
		  4.f4! Nf2!
		  4.f3? Nf2!
       3.f4(?) [Kamikaze Gambit] 
	 3...Ng4!! 4.e4! [Climbim Attack EinsNull Gambit] Ne3!
		    4.e3(!!) c6! 5.h3!
			 4...g6  5.Nf5! e5 6.Ne7! Nf2 7.Qe2
			 4...e5? 5.Nb5! Nf2 6.Qh5
			 4...e6? 5.Nb5! Nf2 6.Qf3
			 4...Ne5?? 5.Ne6 dxe6 
			 4...Ne3?? 5.Qh5!
			 4...Nf2?? 5.Qh5!
	 3...c6 4.Nf5?? e6 5.Nxg7?? Qa5!! 6.Kf2 Qh5!!
					     6.c3 Qh5!!
					     6.b4 Qh5!!
			      5.Nd6 Bxd6 6.e4 Ng4 7.f5
		   4.e4 [Climbim  Attack Pfiffigunde Variation]
	 3...e5? 4.Nb5
	 3...e6? 4.Nb5
	 3...d5 4.Nb5? Bg4!!
       3.d3?? Ng4 4.f3 Nf2 5.Qd2 Nxd3
       3.e4 [Climbim Attack] 
	 3...c6 [Climbim Attack Pfiffigunde Variation] 
		4.f4? e5 5.Nb3 Bb4 6.c3 Bxc3 7.f5 Ng4! 8.h3 Qa5!! 9.b4 Qa4!
		4.d3? Ng4 5.f4 Ne3!
			  5.f3 Nf2 6.Qd2 Nxd3 7.Nc3 e5
		4.Nf5 [Climbim Attack Pfiffigunde-EinsNull Variation]
		    4...Nxf5 5.f4! d5 6.f5 e5 7.d4 dxe4? 8.Bc4!! Bb4 9.c3!
							8.Qe2 Qe7 9.c3
							8.Bh6 Qe7 9.Bg5
					      7...g6! 8.c3 h5!
					      7...h5! 8.Na3 Bxa3 9.b4 a5
						      8.c3! g5 9.exd5! c5!!
			     5.d4 d5 6.e5 e6 
			     5.f3?? d5!
	 3...Ng4!! [Climbim Attack EinsNull Gambit] 
		  4.f3?? Nf2
		  4.Qxg4?? c6!
		  4.f4! [Climbim Attack EinsNull Gambit]
		   4...Ne3! 5.dxe3 d6 6.f5 c6? 7.Bh6!
					    7.c3 [EinsNull Gambit Pfiffigunde Variation]
					     7...d5?? 8.Qa4! c6 9.Qa3! c5 10.Bb5!!
				5...d5(?) 6.f5 c6? 7.Bh6!
					6...h5! 7.Be2 d4
	 3...d5? [Climbim Attack Maschi Gambit] 
		  4.Nb5 Ng4 5.f4 Nf2 6.Qh5 g6 7.Qh6 Bxh6 8.Nxc7 Rc8 9.Bb5 Kd8 10.c3
								      9...Kf8 10.c3
    2...Nc6? 3.e4 Nh6? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Nf5!                               
	      3...e6! 4.Nf5!
	      3...d6 4.Nb5!
	     3.e3 Nh6?? 4.Qh5! g6 5.Nf5!
	      3...Nd4?? 4.Qh5!
	      3...Nb4?? 4.Qh5!
	      3...e6! 4.Nf5!
	      3...d6 4.Nb5!
	     3.Nf5 e6! 4.Nd6 cxd6 5.c3!
    2...e5? 3.Nb5! Bb4 4.c3 Qe7 5.Nd6!
    2...d5? 3.Nb5! Kf7 4.Nxc7
    2...e6? 3.Nb5! c6? 4.Nc7! Qxc7?
	      3...Nh6 g4!
    2...c6? 3.Nf5! e6? 4.Nxg7! d5? 5.e3! Qa5 6.b4
	      3...e5? 4.Nxg7!
    2...a6? [Kamikaze Attack Mischi Variation]
	   3.Nc3 d5 4.e4! dxe4? 5.Nd5! Qxd5 6.Qh5!

  2.e4 [Center Attack]
   2...e6 [Center Attack Normal Line] 
	  3.d4! d6 4.c3(?) c6 5.h4! [Center Attack FatalImage Variation]
			    5...h6 6.a4 e5 7.d5 Bg4 
		   4.d5 e5 5.c4 [Closed Atomic] 
			    5...Bg4(?) 6.a4 c5!
			    5...Na6! 6.a3 c5
		   4.Na3 [RedWing Attack] 
		     4...d5?? 5.Nb5! Bb4 6.c3 c6 7.Nc7!
				 5...c6 6.Nc7!
		   4.e5(?) d5!
		   4.Nc3 [Ebenfelt Two Knight's Attack]
		   4.Bd3(?) d5 5.e5 Bb4 6.c3 Bxc3 7.exf6 Qf6 8.Bg5 Qf5 9.Qd3 Qe4 10.Qxe4 Nf6 11.Nc3 c6
	    3...c6(?) [Center Attack FatalImage Variation]
	    3...d5 4.Nh4(!!) g6!! 
		     4...g5?? 5.Nf5!
		   4.exd5(!!) e5 5.Bg5 [Center Attack BombDrop Gambit] e4!
		     4...Bd6? 5.d5 Bf4 6.Be3 b5 7.d6 c5 8.d7
					  6...c6 7.d6 
		     4...c6 5.Ng5??
		     4...Nh6(?) 5.Bxh6 g6 6.d5
		   4.e5(?) c6 5.Na3 b5
			      5.c3 f5?? 6.Ng5!
	    3...g6(?) 4.Bb5 c6 5.Bf4 d6 6.Bc4 Qa5 7.Nc3 b6 8.b4 Qh5 9.Bh6 Be7 10. h3!
	    3...Nh6?? 4.Ne5!!
		     4...fxe5? 5.Bg5!!   
	  3.Nh4(!!) d5 4.d4 g6!!
		     4...g5?? 5.Nf5!! 
	  3.e5? d6
	    3...Nh6 4.Ng5? Ng4! 5.f4 Nf2 6.Qf3 fxg5     
   2...d6 [MrPink Defence] 
	  3.Nh4! [Henk Attack] 
	     3...g5?? 4.Nf5! e6 5.Qh5!
	  3.d4! e6 4.Na3 b5!!
		     4...d5?? 5.Nb5! Bb4 6.c3 c6 7.Nc7
		   4.d5 e5 5.c4 [Closed Atomic] Na6! 6.a3 c5!
		   4.e5(?) d5
		   4.Bd3(?) d5 5.e5 Bb4 6.c3 Bxc3 7.Ng5 fxg5 8.Bg5 Nf6! 9.Qf3 Rf8
	     3...Na6(?) 4.Bxa6!
	     3...c6(?) 4.d5
	  3.Ng5! fxg5 4.Qf3 Nf6 5.Bc4! e6 6.Bxe6 Qf6 7.e5! Qf4 8.d4!
				   5...d5?? 6.Bb5!! c6 7.Qa3!
						6...Nc6 7.Qa3!
	  3.Nc3(?) [MrPink Defence Scar Attack]
	    3...c6 4.Bc4 d5 5.Ne5 Bg4 6.Nxg4 dxc4 7. d3 e6 8.Be3 b6!
   2...d5 3.e5! Bg4 [Center Attack Mainline]
		 4.Nc3 [Center Attack Nightrider Variation]
		   4...e6? 5.Nb5!
		   4...c6 5.e6 b5
		 4.Bb5 [Center Attack Mainline]
		   4...c6 5.Bf1 e6 6.d4 Nh6 7.Bxh6
				    6...Na6 7.Bxa6
			    5...Nh6 6.d4
				    6.Bd3?? Qb6!
		 4.e6 [Center Attack New line]
		   4...Qd6? 5.d4 Qb4 6.c3 Qxb2(?)
		   4...Nh6! 5.h3 d4
		 4.d4 [Center Attack RedWing Variation]
	      3...e6(?) 4.d4 g6 [QueenMaster Defense]
			    5.Nh4 h5 6.c3

	      3...d4!! [Center Counter Attack]
	       4.Bc4 e6 5.d3 b5 6.Bb3 h6 7.exf6 Nc6  
				   6.Bxe6 [Center Counter Attack Zzz Gambit]
				      6...Bg4 7.e6 Be7 8.h3 c6? 9.hxg4 h5 10.Bf4
							8...Qd6!! 9.Bf4? Bxf3!
								  9.hxg4? Qe5! 
	       4.d3(?) Bg4 5.h3 e6 6.hxg4 h5 7.Qf3 g5 8.exf6 Nf6!
			   5.e6? Qd5!
	       4.e6(?) Nh6 5.Ne5 Ng4 6.Nxg4 d3 7.Qh5 g6 8.Qc5 Qd6 
			5.h3 c6 6.Ne5! Bxe6! 7.Qh5 g6 8.Qc5 Qd6 9.Qc6
			5.Ng5? Ng4 6.f4 Nf2 7.Qe2? Nd3! 
					      7.Qf3 Ne4! 8.d3 Ng3 9.Kd1 Ne2 10.Bd2 Nxf4! 
									    10.Ke1 Nxf4!
									    10.Be3 Nxf4!
		4...d3!! 5.Ne5(?) Bxe6! 6.Qh5 g6 7.Qc5 Qd6
			5.c4? Nh6! 6.Ne5 Ng4 7.Nxg4?? Qd6!
					     7.f3? Ne3! 8.dxe3 d2
			5.c3 Nh6 6.Ne5? Ng4 7.Nxg4 Qd6!
	      3...Nh6? [Center Attack Pfiffigunde Variation]
		 4.Ng5(?) Ng4 5.f4 Nf2 6.Qf3 Ne4! 7.d4 fxg5
		 4.h3! Ng4 5.hxg4! h5 6.d4(?) e6!
				      6.g4?? fxe5 7.Qe2? e5  
				      6.e6!! c6 7.d4! Qa5? 8.b4 Qa4 9.Bf4 Qxc2 10.Bc7!!
						  7...Na6! 8.Bxa6
	      3...fxe5(?) 4.d4!
	    3.Nh4(?) [Center Attack Kleinmeister Variation]
	      3...g5?? 4.d4!
	    3.d4 e6 4.e5 Nh6
	    3.Nd4?? [Center Attack Scar Gambit] dxe4!
   2...g6(?) [Modern Defense] 
	    3.d4! e5? [Modern Defense Maschi Variation] 
		    4.Ng5! fxg5? 5.Qf3 Nf6 6.Bh6 Bxh6 7.dxe5 Qf6 8.Qxf6 
		       4...f5? 5.Nxh7!
	    3.Nd4 c6? [KidKibbitz Gambit] 
		    4.Nf5 e6 5.Ng7 Bxg7 6.Qg4 f5 7.Qg5! 
   2...e5(?) [Charon Gambit]
	    3.Ng5!! fxg5?? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qh3
	      3...Nh6?? 4.Nf7! Qe7 5.Nd6 Qxd6 6.h3!
	      3...f5 4.Nf7! Qh4 5.g3 Qh5 6.Qxh5 Nh6 7.Nxh8
		     4.Nxh7?? Qh4!! 5.g3 Qh6 6.f4 exf4!
   2...b6? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qe5 e6 6.Qxc7!
   2...Nh6?? 3.Ne5! fxe5 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qg5!!
   2...c6? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qe5 e6 6.Qc7! 
   2...b5? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qe5 e6 6.Qxc7!
   2...a6? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qe5 e6 6.Qxc7!
   2...a5? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qe5 e6 6.Qxc7!
   2...c5? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qe5 e6 6.Qc7!

  2.e3! [Atomic Attack]
   2...c6? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qe5 e6 6.Qc7! Qxc7 7.d4 Nf6 8.h3
   2...b5? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qd5!!
   2...a6? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qd5!!
   2...a5? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qd5!!
   2...c5? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qd5!!
   2...b6? 3.Ne5! fxe5? 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qd5!! 
   2...Nh6?? 3.Ne5! fxe5 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qg5!!
   2...Na6?? 3.Ne5! fxe5 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qd5!!
   2...Nc6?? 3.Ne5! fxe5 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qd5!!
		3...Nxe5 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qd5!!
   2...e6 [Nightrider-Defence]
       3.d4(!!) Bb4 [Nightrider-Defence Mainline] 4.c3 
		   4...Nh6(?) 5.h3 Ng4?
		   4...Bd6 5.g3(?) Bxg3? 6.Rg1 g6 7.Bd3 d5?? 8.Bxg6
					 6.Qh5!! g6 7.Qc5!! d6 8.Qc7!!
			   5.Ne5(?) [Nightrider-Defence Esha Variation] 
			       5...fxe5 6.Bd3(?) Qh4 7.g3 Qh3 8.Qh5 g6 9.Qxh3 
					6.Qh5(?) g6 7.Qb5 c6 8.Qb4 d6!
			   5.Na3 [Nightrider-Defence Grobi Variation]
			       5...Bxa3? 6.Ne5!! fxe5?? 7.Qh5 g6 8.Qc5
	    3...d5 [Nightrider-Defence Pfiffigunde Variation] 
		    4.c3 c6(!!) 5.Bd3 g6 6.Nh4 e5 7.dxe5 Bh3 8.Nxg6 Bg4 9.f3 Bf5 10.h4 Qc7!
				5.e4?? dxe4!
		     4...Nh6 5.Ng5 Ng4 6.f4 Nf2 7.Qa4 c6 8.Nf7 Qa5
		    4.Be2 c6 5.c3 Nh6 6.Ng5? Ng4!
		    4.Bb5 c6 5.Ne5? fxe5 6.Qh5 g6 7.Qe5 Qh4! 8.g3 Qxd4
							     8.Kd1 Qxd4
	    3...d6(?) [Nightrider-Defense Henk Variation]
		    4.d5 e5 5.e4
	  3...d6 4.Nc3 c6 5.e4
		 4.e4 e5
		 4.c3(?) [Mark Attack] c6
	  3...Nh6? 4.h3 Ng4 5.hxg4 h5
		   4.Ng5 Ng4 5.f4 Nf2
		   4.Ne5! fxe5 5.Qh5 g6 6.Qg5
	  3...Nc6 4.b4 Nh6 5.Ne5? fxe5 6.Qh5 g6 7.Qg5 Qf6 8.Qxg6 Ne5! 9.f3 Ng4!
	  3...Bd6? 4.Ne5! Bxe5? 5.Qh5 g6 6.Qc5
		      4...fxe5 5.Qh5 g6 6.Qc5 Qh4 7.g3 d6
	  3...c5 4.c4
	  3...d5! 4.c3 c6  5.e4
       3.Nd4 [Nightrider Defense MrMister Variation] 
	 3...Bb4?? 4.c3! Bxc3? 5.Qh5!! g6 6.Qc5 d6 7.Qxc7!
	 3...Nh6 4.h3 Bb4?? 5.c3! Bxc3 6.Qh5!
	 3...c6! 4.Nc3 a6! 5.Ne4 d6
		   4...d5? 5.Ndb5! cxb5 6.Nb5!
	    3...Nh6? 4.Ne5! fxe5 5.Qh5 g6 6.Qg5
	    3...g6!! 4.Nh4 Bb4?? 5.c3 Bxc3?? 6.Nxg6! h5 7.Qc2!
		       4...f5! 5.Nxf5? Qh4!
			     5.g3! d5! 6.Kf1?? c6!
	    3...Bb4 4.c3 Bxc3 5.Dc2 
			      5.Nc3 c6
			      5.Nc3 [Nightrider Defence Battle Variation]
				  5...Nh6 6.h3 c6
       3.Nc3!! Bb4?? 4.a3? Nh6 5.h3 Ng4 6. hxg4 h5!
		  4.d4? d5 5.a3 c6
		  4.Bb5? [Nightrider Defence Fruchtzwerg Variation]
		     4...c6 5.Ne5 fxe5 6.Qf3 Nf6 7.d4 Ne4 8.Kd1 Nxf2
				       6.Qh5 g6! 7.Qe5? Qh4! 8.g3 Qh3 9.Kd1 Nf6!
		  4.Nd4!! [Nightrider Defense TrojanKnight Variation]
		     4...Bxc3?? 5.Qh5! g6 6.Qc5 d6 7.Qxc7!
		     4...Nh6?? 5.Nf5! Nxf5 6.Qh5 g6 7.Qh6!
				  5...exf5?? 6.Qh5 g6 7.Qd5
		     4...g6?? 5.Ndb5!
       3.Ng5? fxg5 4.Qf3 Nf6 5.Bc4? Bb4!
       3.Ne5? fxe5 4.Qf3 Nf6 5.Bd3 Bb4 6.c3 Bxc3!
       3.Na3(?) [Nightrider-Defense Syzygy Variation]
	    3...c6 4.Nd4 b5 
	    3...b5? 4.Nd4 Nh6 5.Bxb5!
   2...d6 [Esha-Defense]
       3.d4(?) [Esha-Defense Maschi Variation] 
       3.Bc4? e6 4.d4 Nh6! 5.h3 Ng4 6.hxg4 h5
		  4...d5! 5.Bb5 c6 6.Ne5?
				   6...fxe5! 7.Qh5 g6 8.Qe5 Qh4! 9.g3 Qd4
								 9.Kd1 Qd4
				   6...cxb5?? 7.Nf7! Qa5 8.b4
					      7.Nd7? Bb4! 8.c3
	  3...d5 4.Bd3 Nh6? 5.Bxh7 c6 6.Ng5 Bg4 7.f3 Be6 8. Nh7 Kd7 9.Nxf6 e6
       3.Nc3(?) c6 4.Ne4 Nh6
		   4.Nd4 a6
		   4.d4 Bg4
       3.Ng5(?) [Esha-Defense Unkown Gambit]
	 3...fxg5 4.Qh5! g6 5.Bc4
			     5...e6! 6.Qf3 Nf6 7.Bxe6 Bf5 8.Qd5! Be6 9.Qf3
						  7...Qf6! 8.Qxf6 Bg7 [Hangman Defense]
							      9.c3 Kg8 10.f3 g5 11.g4!
								       10.f4? g5! 
							   8.Qf5 Qxf5 9.d4
			     5...Be6? Qf3
			     5...gxh5? 6.Bf7! Kd7 7.Be8 Ke6 8.Bd7 Kf7 9.Bxc8
		  4.Bd3? g6 5.Qf3 Bf5!
       3.Nd4(?) c6!  
       3.Bd3(?) g6! 
	 3...Bf5? 4.Ng5 g6 5.Nh7
   2...g6(?) [Modern Defence] 
	     3.Nd4! b5? 4.Nf5 e5 5.Ng7
		3...Nc6? 4.Nf5 e5 5.Ng7
		3...c6? 4.Nf5 e5 5.Ng7 Bxg7 6.Qg4
			  4...e6 5.Ng7 Bxg7 6.Qg4
		3...Nh6! 4.Nb5 Ng4! 5.Qxg4 Na6 6.Nxc7 Nb4 
				    5.f4 Na6 
					       6.Qf3 Nxe3 7.Nxc7 Nb4
					       6.Nxc7 Nb4!
	     3.Ne5(?) fxe5 4.Qf3 Nf6 5.Bd3 Rg8!!
   2...d5? 3.Ne5! fxe5 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qe5 e6 6.Qxc7!
				  5...Be6 6.Qxc7! Rc8 7.c3 Nf6 8.f3
			 4...Kd7 5.Qf7
   2...e5? 3.Ng5! Qe7? 4.Ne6! Qxe6
	      3...c6 4.Nxh7
  2.d4(?) [Lindam Attack]
    2...d5 [Lindam Attack Mainline] 
	   3.Nc3 c6 4.e3 Bg4
		    4.b4 h6
		    4.Nh4(?) [Lindam Attack Henk Variation]
		       4...e5 5.Nf5 Bxf5 6.dxe5 Bb4 7.e3 g6!
		    4.a3(?) [Lindam Attack Gromit Variation]
		       4...Bg4! 5.e3 e5
		    4.a4(?) [Lindam Attack Ebenfelt Variation]
	   3.e4?? [Lindam Attack BombDrop Variation] dxe4
	   3.e3 [Lindam Attack Hangman Variation]
	    3...e6 4.Bd3 Bb4 5.c3 Bxc3 6.Nc3 c6 7.Nb5 cxb5 8.Qa4 b5
		   4.Nc3 Bb4 5.Bb5 c6 6.Kg1 e5 7.dxe5 Nh6 8.h3 Ng4 9.hxg4 Qe7
				10.Qh5 g6 11.Qh6 Kd8 12.Qg7 Qf7 13.Qg8 Qf8 
				  14.Qg7 Qf7 15.Ne4 Be1 16.f3 dxe4 17.Bc4 
				     17...Bf2 18.Kh1 Bg4 19.fxg4 Kc7 20.Qxf6
				13.Ne4 Be1 14.f3 dxe4 15.Bc4 Bf2 16.Kh1 Bg4
				     17.fxg4 Kc7 18.Qxf6 Rd8
		   4.Nh4 a6 5.g3 c6
	    3...Nh6(?) 4.h3? Ng4 5.hxg4 h5!
		       4.Ng5 Ng4 5.f4 Nf2 6.Qf3
	    3...Bg4! 4.Bd3 g6
	   3.c3! Nh6 4.h3 Ng4 5.hxg4 h5!
  2.d3(?) [Grobi Opening]
   2...d6 3.c3 Bg4 4.h3 Nc6 5.hxg4 h5 6.Na3 Nb4 7.cxb4 Qd7
  2.Nc3 [Two Knights Attack]
    2...e6 3.e3 Bb4 4.a3 Nh6 5.h3 Ng4 6.hxg4 h6!
		    4.Nh4 Nc6 5.d4 d5  
			      5.Bb5 g5?? 6.Nf5!! exf5 7.Qh5
					     6...h5! 7.Ng7 Kf8
						     7.Ne7 Nh6
				5...g6!! 6.d4 g5??

	   3.e4(?) d5
	   3.Nb5 [Buettel Attack] Na6! 4.Nxc7 Nb4 
	     3...Bc5 4.e3 c6 5.Nc7 Kf8 6.Ne8 g6!
    2...c6? 3.e3 d6 4.Bc4 e6 5.Nh4 d5 6.Bb3 f5
		    4.Bd3 g6 5.Bxg6? [Buettel Gambit] Bg4!
		    4.Nh4 Bf5 5.Bc4 Bxc2?? 6.Bf7 Kd7 7.Be8 Kc8 8.Bd7
	     3...d5? 4.Ne5! fxe5 5.Qh5! g6 6.Qe5
	    3.d4 d6!
	     3...d5(?) 4.Nxd5!! [Unknown Gambit]
	    3.e4 d5 4.d4(!!) [Piropiro Gambit]
		      4...dxe4 [Accepted Piropiro Gamit] 
			       5.Qh5 g6 6.Qc5 Qxd4? 7.Bf4! Bf5 8.Bc4 
						       7...Na6 8.Rd1  
						       7...e5 8.Rd1
	    3.Nh4(?) e6 4.e3 Nh6
	    3.Nd4!! a6(?) 4.Nf5! e6 Nxg7
	     3...d5(?) 4.Ndb5 cxb5 5.Nb5 
	    3.b3 [Two Knight's Attack All Variation]
    2...e5? 3.Nb5 Bc5
  2.c3(?) [Tomato Attack]
    2...d5 [Tomato Attack Pfiffigunde Counter]
	  3.d4 c6
	   3...Nh6(?) 4.Bxh6
	  3.Qa4 Nc6!
	    3...c6? 4.Ne5!
	    3...b5 4.Qa5
    2...e6! [Tomato Attack Nightrider Variation]
	  3.d4 Nc6 4.e4
	   3...d5 4.e3 c6 [Tomato Attack Nightrider Variation Mainline]
			  5.c4 Nh6!
		   4...Na6 [Tomato Attack Nightrider-Hastur Variation] 
			   5.Bxa6 Bd7 6.a4
    2...c6! [Tomato Attack Main Variation]
	    3.Qb3? e6 4.Qxb7?? Bc5 5.d4 Bd6 6.g3 Bxg3 7.Bf4 Qb6 8.Bc7 Qb5 
	    3.e4(?) e5 4.d4 d5(?) 5.exd5 Bd6
    2...b5 [Tomate Attack Modern Variation]
	  3.d4 d5
	  3.Qb3? e6!
    2...Nh6? 3.h3 Ng4 4.hxg4 e5 5.e3 h5
				5.e4 h5
	      3...Nf5? 4.Ne5!!
	     3.Qa4!! c6 4.Ne5!!
    2...e5?? 3.Ng5!! Bc5! 4.e3! Nh6
		 3...fxg5 4.Qa4!!
  2.Nh4(?) [King's Knight Opening Emil Variation]
    2...f5! 3.Nf3 e5
	    3.e4 e5
    2...Nh6(?) 3.Ng6!
  2.g4(?) [King's Knight Opening Emil Attack]
    2...Nh6! 3.Nd4 c6 4.e3 d6
		      4.Nf5 Nxg4 
	     3.e3 d6 4.Nd4 c6
  2.h3(?) [Spooky Opening]
    2...d5 3.Nd4 Bf5 4.e4 Bxe4 5.d4 e5 6.Qe2 e4 7.Qg4 f5 
    2...e5 3.e4 d5!
#       bad responses to 1.Nf3
1.Nf3! d6? 2.Ng5
     2...f6 3.Nf7 Qd7 4.Nxd6
       4...Nc6 5.c3
       4...Bg4 5.f3
       4...Bf5 5.e4
       4...e6 5.b3
       4...Nd7 5.d4
     2...f5 3.Nf7 Qd7 4.Nxd6
     2...Kd7 3.Ne6
  1...d5?? 2.Ne5! f6 3.Nd7
  1...e5(?) [Vlasov-Defence] 
   2.Ng5 Qxg5 [Vlasov-Defence Lindam Variation] 3.e4         
     2...f6? 3.Nf7 Qe7 4.Nd6
     2...f5! [Vlasov-Defence Mainline]
	      3.h4! [Vlasov-Defence Esha Variation]
		  3...c6 4.Nxh7! [Esha Variation Mainline]
		  3...Bc5 [Esha-Nightrider Variation]
			 4.d4! Bb6 5.Nf7 Qe7 6.Nd6 Kf8 7.Nxb7
	      3.d3 [Vlasov-Defence JoelH Variation]
		  3...Nf6 ? 4.Nf7
	      3.Nf7?? Qh4 4.g3  Qd4 
   2.e4 g5 3.h4
    2...Be7 3.Ng5 Bxg5
    2...f6?? 3.Ng5!! fxg5 4.Qg4!
    2...h6?? 3.Ng5!! hxg5 4.Qg4!
  1...f5?? 2.Ne5!!
  1...Nc6?? 2.Ng5!! f6 3.Nf7!            
		2...f5 3.Nf7!
  1...Nf6?? 2.Ne5!!
  1...e6?? 2.Ne5!!

1.e4 [Vlasov Opening]   
  1...Nf6(?) [Vlasov Opening Mainline] 
	  2.Nf3?? Ng4
	  2.g4(?) [Vlasov Opening Maschi Attack]
	      2...e5(?) 3.d4
	  2.Bc4? d5 3.Bb5? c6 4.e5? Ne4!
	  2.Be2 [Vlasov Opening Starter Attack]
	    2...h5 3.d4 d5 4.Nc3 Bg4 5.Bxg4 Ng4 6.f3 Nf2 7.Qd2 Nd3 8.Kf1 Ne1
								   9.g3 Nxc2 
	    2...d5! 3.d4! Bg4 4.f3 Bxf3 5.Bg5
		      3...Ng4 Bxg4 Bg4 5.f3
	    2...Ng4? [Starter Attack KidKibbitz Variation]
		    3.Bxg4 d5 4.d4 dxe4 
	  2.f3(?) [Vlasov Opening Graukater Attack]
	   2...d5 3.d4 Ng4 4.Bb5 c6 5.fxg4 Bg4 6.Qd2 e6 7.c3 Qf6 8.Nf3 Bxf3 
							9.Kd1 Qh6 10.Qxh6 cxb5
	   2...e6 3.d4 d5 4.Bg5 dxe4 5.Bd3? Bb4 6.c3 Bxc3 7.Na3 b5
				     5.c3 ! b5
	  2.h3 e6 3.d4 d5 4.Bg5 dxe4 5.d5 Bd6
				     5.Bd3 Bb4 6.c3 Bxc3
	   2...e5! 3.d4 d5
	   2...Nc6 3.c3! Ne4? 4.Bc4!
	  2.f4?? d5!
  1...e6? [Vlasov Opening MiRU Variation] 
	  2.Nf3! f6! [Center Attack]
	     2...Qf6? [Center Attack KiddKibitz Variation]
		  3.d4 Nh6 4.Bxh6 h6 5.g3 Nc6 6.Bh3!
	  2.d4 d5 3.e5? Qh4! 4.g3 Qe4 5.Be3 Qxc2
		  3.Nc3 Bb4
		  3.f3? [Vlasov Opening MiRU Variation Mainline]
	   2...Na6? 3.Bxa6
  1...g6 [Henk Counter Attack]
	    2.Nf3 f6(?) 3.Nd4! Nh6 4.Nb5 Ng4 5.Qxg4 Na6 6.Nxc7 Nb4 7.Bb5
	   2...Bh6!! 3.Ng5 Bxg5 4.e5 e6 5.d4
				4.f4?? d6!
  1...f6 ?? 2.Qh5 !! g6 3.Qd5
  1...e5 ?? 2.Qh5 !! g6 3.Qh3 !! f5 4.exf5 
  1...d6(?) [Frank Defense] 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 c6 4.Bc4 d5 5.Qh5 g6 6.Qe5
  1...c6?? 2.Qh5! g6 3.Qe5 e6 4.Qc7! Qxc7 5.Nf3
  1...d5! [Scandinavian Atomic]
       2.d4! [Graukater Opening]
	  2...e5! [Graukater Opening Counter Attack]
		  3.dxe5(?) Bc5 4.Be3 Bg4 5.f3 d4 6.Bc4 Be6 7.Bb5 c6 8.c4 d3 9.Bxc6 d2 10.Kf1 Bh3
						  6.fxg4 Qh4! 7.g3 Qg4
		     3...h5(?) 4.e5! Qh4(?) 5.g3 Qe4 6.Be3 Qxc2 7.e6
		  3.exd5 f6 4.Bc4 Bb4 5.c3 Be6 6.Bxe6 Nh6 7.Bxh6 Qe7 8.Qg4 exd4 9.Qe6 Qxe6 10.Na3 Kg8 11.Kc1
			    4.Bb5 c6 5.Ba4
			    4.c3 c6
		     3...Nh6 4.Bxh6!! Na6 5.c3!
		     3...Bf5? 4.Bc4! f6 5.Bf7 Ke7 6.d5 Bxc2?? 7.d6!
		     3...Qh4 4.g3 Qh5 5.Qg4 
		     3...b5 4.h3!
		  3.Bb5?? c6 4.Ba4?? 
				 4...Nh6? 5.Bxh6 Bg4 6.f3 Bh5 7.h3?? Qg5!!
				       5...exd4 6.h4! Bc5(?) 7.Bxc6
				       5...h6(?) 6.Kf1?? Bh3!! 7.Nxh3 Qh4!
				     5.Bg5 f6 6.Bxh6
				 4...Qh4? [Binford Counter Attack] 
				     5.g3 Qg4 6.Qxg4!
				 4...h6? [Maschi Counter Attack] 5.h3!
				 4...h5? 5.c3
				 4...Na6 5.Qh5 g6 6.Qh4 Qg5 7.f4 Qxh4 a3
				 4...Ba3!! 5.bxa3?? Qa5 6.c3 Qb5 7.c4 Qa5 8.Nc3 dxc4!
		  3.Bh6 Nxh6!! 4.h4 exd4 5.Bb5? c6 6.Ba4 Bc5! 7.Bxc6?? Qb6!!
			       4.h3? exd4 5.Bb5? c6 6.Ba4 Bc5! 7.Bxc6?? Qb6!!
				   4...c6 5.a3? g6! 6.f4? Bh6!
			       4.Bb5? c6 5.Ba4 exd4 6.c3 Bc5! 7.Bxc6?? Qb6!
			       4.exd5? b5 5.a4
				   4...Bf5! [Graukater Opening Maschi Variation]
				   4...h5 [Graukater Opening Grobi Variation]
				     5.Bc4 Be6 6.Bxe6
		    3...Ne7? [Henk Gambit] 4.Bxg7 Bg4 5.f3 Bh5 6.c3!
		  3.Na3 Bxa3?? 4.Bh6! Nxh6?? 5.Qh5!
		    3...b5! 4.Qh5??
		  3.c3 [Graukater Opening TLM Variation]
		  3.g3(?) [Graukater Opening BWFoster Variation]
		    3...c6 4.Bh3 Bg4 5.f3 Na6
		  3.f3(?) [Graukater Opening MiRU Variation]
	  2...e6? [Vlasov Opening MiRU VAriation]
	  2...a6?? 3.Nf3? Bg4!
		  3.Nc3 c6 4.Nxd5? e5 5.d5 Bd6!
				     5.Nf3 Bg4
		  3.exd5! c5?? 4.d5! g6?? 5.d6! e5?? 6.d7!! Ke7 7.Qd6!
	  2...c6?? [Caro Kann Atomic]
		  3.Nh3 h6 4.f3? g6
			   4.e5! [Miru Attack] Qa5? 5.b4 Qa4 6.Qf3 Bf5 7.Bg5 f6 8.Bxf6 Kd7 9.Qf5
	  2...f6?? 3.e5 e6 4.c3
	  2...Nf6(?) 3.Bg5! e6 4.e5! c6
	  2...Nh6(?) 3.h3 e5 4.exd5 Bf5 5.Bg5 f6 6.Bc4 Bxc2?? 7.Bf7! Kd7 8.Be8!
		     3.Bg5! f6 4.Bxh6 e5 5.Na3 Bxa3??
		     3.c3? [TLM Gambit]
			 3...Ng4 4.f3?? Nxh2 5.Bf4? dxe4 6.Bc4 e6!!
	  2...dxe4?? 3.Bb5!! c6 4.Qf3!! 
			 3...Nc6 4.Qf3!! 
       2.Nh3(?) [Vlasov-TrojanKnight Attack]
	  2...Bxh3! 3.Qg4 e6!
		    3.e5 e6!
       2.e5(?) [Vlasov Opening Frank Middle Attack Variation]
	  2...Bf5! 3.d3 e6! 4.Bg5(?) f6!! 5.Bxf6? Qh4! 6.g3 Bc5! 7.d4 Qe4!
		  3.Bd3 g6!
       2.Nc3(?) [Vlasov Opening Ebenfelt's Knight Attack]
	  2...c6 3.e5 e6
       2.Qh5??  [Vlasov Opening Anthro's Queen Attack]
	  2...g6 3.Qg5 f6 4.Bb5 c6 5.Qh4 cxb5

1.Nh3! [TrojanKnight Opening]
  1...g5 [TrojanKnight Opening JoelH Defense] 
	 2.e3!! h5?? 3.Qf3!! Nf6 4.Nxg5 f5 5.Qd5
	   2...Nf6 3.Qf3 Rg8!!                                         
  1...f6(?) 2.e4 d5! 3.e5
	 2.Nf4 Nh6? 3.Ng6 hxg6 4.e4 
	    2...e6 3.Nh5 g6? 4.Ng7 Bxg7 5.e4
	    2...e5 3.Nd5(?) Nh6? 4.g4
  1...d5? 2.Ng5 f6 3.Nf7 Qd6 4.Nxd6
		      3...Qd7 4.Nd6
1.Nc3(?)   [Queen's Knight Opening]
  1...c6? 2.Ne4 f6? 3.Nc5
	    2...Qa5 3.b4 Qd5 4.d3!
       2.Nb5?? Ne4!!
       2.Nd5 e6! 3.Nxc7?? Ne4!! 
		 3.Ne7?? Ne4!!
		 3.Nxf6?? Qh4!!
	  3.e4 [Queen's Knight Opening MrMister Attack]
	     3...d5 4.d4 e5 5.Nh3 Bxh3 6.c3 Qh4
	  3.Nf3 [Queen's Knight Opening Fruchtzwerg Attack]
	     3...f6 4.e3 e5(?) 5.Ng5! fxg5?? 6.Qg4!!
				  5...f5 6.Nf7(?) Qh4!
	 2...e6!! [Queen's Knight Opening MrMister Defence]
		  3.f3 exd5! 
		  3.Nxc7?? Ne4!!
		  3.Nxf6? Qh4! 4.g3 Qd4!
       2.Ne4?? Nxe4??
	  3.e4 [Queen's Knight Opening MrMister Attack]
	     3...d5 4.d4 e5 5.Nh3 Bxh3 6.c3 Qh4
	  3.Nf3 [Queen's Knight Opening Fruchtzwerg Attack] 
	     3...f6 4.e3 e5(?) 5.Ng5! fxg5?? 6.Qg4!!
				  5...f5 6.Nf7(?) Qh4!
	2...Ng4! 3.f3? Nf2!
       2.f3(?) [Queen's Knight Opening Renes Attack]
	 2...a5? 3.Nb5 Nc6 4.Nxc7 Nh5
	 2...c6! 3.e4 e5 4.d4 d5 
		 3.Nh3 Ng4! 4.fxg4 d5

1.d4 [Queen's Pawn Opening]
  1...Nf6? 2.d5? Ne4!
	   2.e4? Ng4!
	   2.Bg5! [Queen's Pawn Opening Esha Variation]
	      2...d5? 3.e4
  1...d5 2.Bg5 f6 3.Bf4? Bg4!! 4.f3 Bxf3! 5.e3 Nh6
	 2.c4? e5! 3.dxe5? Bb4 4.Nc3 d4
		  3.cxd5 Bb4 4.Nc3
	 2.Bh6? gxh6 3.e3 Bg4 4.f3 Bd7 
	 2.e4!! [--> Graukater Opening]
  1...e5? 2.dxe5 d6? 3.Qd5! Be6 4.Bg5 f6? Bxf6
				  4...Qxg5? 5.Qg5 f6 6.Qxg7 Bxa2

1.c4? [Atomic English]

1.f3? [Harald Opening]
  1...Nc6 [Harald Opening Atomix Variation]
	   2.c3? Ne5 3.Qb3? Nc4!
		     3.Qa4? b5!
	   2.e3? Nb4! 3.Na3 Nxa2
		      3.Nc3 Nxc2
		      3.Qe2 Nd3

1.e3? [Someone Opening]
  1...d6! 2.Nf3 f6
	    2...Bg4! 3.Bb5 c6
		     3.Nc3 Nf6!
	  2.Bd3? g6! 3.Bf5 e6 4.Nc3 c6!
		     3.Nf3 Bg4 4.Bf5 e6 5.Nc3 c6
	  2.Qf3? Nf6! 3.Bd3 Bg4 4.Bf5 Ne4!
	  2.Nc3(?) [Alexx Opening] c6!
	  2.Qh5? g6 3.Qb5 c6 4.Qb4 e5 5.Qb3 Be6 6.Qd3 Bc4!
  1...e6 [Someone Opening Symetric Variation]
	 2.Nf3! f6!
	 2.Bd3? Bb4! 3.c3 Bxc3 4.Nh3 Qh4! 5.g3 Qc4!! 6.d3 Qc2! 7.Qxc2 g5
	 2.d4? Qh4 3.g3 Qe4 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qf5 f6 6.f3 Nh6
	 2.Qh5(?) g6 3.Qb5 c6 4.Qxb7?
		     3.Qe5 Qf6? 4.Qxe6
	 2.Qf3 [Loopy Attack] 
	  2...f5 [Loopy Attack Atomix Defense]
		3.Bc4 Nh6 4.Qd1 Ng4 5.f4 h5!
  1...g6?? 2.Qf3! f6?? 3.Qd5! 
	     2...f5?? 3.Qd5! 
	     2...Nf6? 3.Nh3!! h6? 4.Ng5! 
			  3...d5? 4.Ng5! Kd7 5.Ne6!
	  2.Qg4? e6!
	     2...f5?? 3.Qc4!! e6?? 4.Qxc7!   
			  3...d5?? 4.Qxc7!
	  2.Nf3 f6 3.Nd4 c6? 4.Nf5 gxf5?? 5.Qh5
			       4...e6 5.Ng7
	  2.Qf3! Nf6! 3.Nc3 c6!
		      3.Bd3 d5 4.Bxg6 Bf5
  1...f6?? 2.Qh5!! g6 3.Qd5!!  
  1...e5(?) 2.Nf3 f6?? 3.Ng5!! fxg5 4.Qg4!
	      2...h6?? 3.Ng5!! hxg5 4.Qg4!
	      2...g5? 3.Nd4!! Nf6 4.Qf3
	      2...f5? 3.Ng5 
	      2...Be7 3.Ng5 Bxg5
	    2.Nc3? Nf6! 3.Qf3
	    2.Qf3! Qf6 3.Nh3!!
	       2...Nf6 3.Qf5
	       2...f6 3.Qd5
	       2...f5 3.Qd5
  1...Nf6 2.f4? [Someone Opening Mainline] 
	      2...Ng4? 3.h3 Nf2?? 4.Qh5! g6 5.Qd5! 
	      2...Ne4 3.d4 Nd2 4.Bb5! c6 5.Nc3 cxb5?? 6.Qh5! g6 7.Qd5!
		       3...d6 4.Nc3 
			      4.Qh5 g6 5.Bb5 c6 6.Qh4 f6 7.Bd3 Bg4 8.Bxe4 Na6
					 9.h3 Qa5 10.Nc3
	      2...d5! 3.h3 Ne4 4.d4 Bf5 5.Bd3 Nf2 6.Qh5 g6 7.Qf3 Nd1 8.Qf1 Nxb2
	      2...d6 3.h3
	  2.Bd3 Ne4(?) 3.Bxe4
	     2...e6(?) 3.Bg6 fxg6(?) 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qg5
			 3...hxg6 4.Qf3 Qf6 5.h4
				    4...f5 5.h4
	  2.Qf3 d5 3.Nh3
	    2...d6 3.Nh3 Bxh3 4.Bc4? d5 Bd3 d4!
  1...d5? 2.Nf3 f6 3.Ne5 fxe5 4.Qh5 g6 5.Qe5 e6 6.Qxc7 
	   2...Bg4! 3.h3 e5 4.hxg4 h5
	 2.Qf3! [LordSoth Attack] 
	   2...f6 3.Bd3 
	   2...f5 3.Bd3 h5 4.Bxf5! Bf5 5.Qf4! e5 6.Qg5 
					  5...g5 6.Qe5

1.g3(?) [Pirol Opening] 
  1...Nc6 2.Nf3 f6
  1...Nf6! 2.f3 d5

  1...Nf6 2.Qa4 [All Opening] c6 
	  2.f3 [Frank Opening] Nd5!

1.b3(?) [BelfastChild Opening]
  1...d5 2.Bb2 d4

Play Atomic online

Try to play an ATOMIC-Match.
Perhaps you prefer playing it with a friend at home ?

Another possibility is using an Internet-Chess-Server (ICS). You can
play Online chess there (not only Atomic, ordinary chess, too).
