====== Useful Linux Commands ====== * Disk: df -h (freier/belegter Platz) * Display resolution: xrandr -s x (may require restart of window manager, e.g. fvwm) * HTTP Proxy: %%export http_proxy=http://:%% * Keyboard layout: dpgk-reconfigure console-data (Konsole), setxkbmap -layout de -variant nodeadkeys (X), edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (X) * Locale: Set locale as non root user: edit ~/.bashrc. Add e.g. the following line: export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 (German, UTF-8) * Package: dpkg -L (Lists all installed files of a deb package) * Users: List all currently logged in users: "users" or "who" * Zeit und Datum stellen, zum Beispiel: date -s "1 SEP 2010 18:00:00" ====== Useful vim Commands ====== * "?": Search backward * "/": Search forward * "n": Find next of Search (backward/forward) * ":%s///g": Globally replace by * "u": Undo * "v": Enter visual mode (character) * "V": Enter visual mode (line) * Change encoding: ":set encoding=", z.B. ":set encoding=latin1", ":set encoding=utf-8" ====== Useful top shortcuts ====== * "1": Toggle CPU display (single entry for each core/cpu) * "k": Select process to kill (signal 9 can not be caught by the application) ====== APT ====== * Package conflickts: apt-get -f install and apt-get autoremove ====== RPM ====== Get information about a rpm package file: rpm -p .rpm -q -filesbypkg --scripts ====== Useful xterm shortcuts ====== ====== Bashing ====== ====== Oracle ====== ===== SqlPlus ===== * Anmelden: connect sys/pw as sysdba * Hochfahren: startup ===== Oracle configuration parameters ===== ===== SQL ===== * Insert Timestamp value: insert into table(timestamp_column) values(to_date('2010-07-08 14:30:56', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')); * Alle aktiven Sessions anzeigen: SELECT SID, Serial#, UserName, Status, SchemaName, Logon_Time FROM V$Session WHERE Status='ACTIVE' AND UserName IS NOT NULL; * Alle Sessions anzeigen, die andere blockieren: select blocking_session, sid, serial#, wait_class, seconds_in_wait from v$session where blocking_session is not NULL order by blocking_session;