Interactive Joystick Driver Configuration


I have written an interactive configuration tool for the linux (kernel 2.4) joystick driver. It is intended for use with (and included in) the Games Knoppix 3.7-0.1 and 3.7-0.2. At the moment it is not possible to save a configuration. The tool is a bash script using Xdialog for a graphical interface.

Configuration of serial joysticks is currently broken. :-(

Download: joystick-config 1.1

If you have a serial joystick you can try the beta version of joystick-config:

Download: joystick-config 1.3beta2

I have adopted the tool to kernel 2.6 for inclusion in the upcoming Games Knoppix based on Knoppix version 5.1

Download: joystick-config 1.4

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